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Eyes on Exoplanets: Visualize NASA's Kepler Telescope Data

Eyes on Exoplanets: Visualize NASA's Kepler Telescope Data

The Kepler Telescope, an observatory space satellite, is dedicated to exploring exoplanets that may potentially harbor life. In the provided dataset by NASA, known as the NASA Kepler Exoplanet Search Results (opens in a new tab), we can delve into the characteristics of earth-like exoplanets (categorized by koi_score, where earth has a koi_score of 1).

Factors to Consider about the Host Star

When examining the potential for hosting life, we take into consideration several factors related to the host star:

  • Star size (koi_srad): This refers to the size of the star.
  • Star temperature (koi_steff): This indicates the temperature of the star.
  • Star Mass: This is determined as the base-10 logarithm of the acceleration due to gravity at the surface of the star and is represented by koi_slogg.

Visualization: Exploring Life-Harboring Exoplanets based on Star Types

The following visualization aims to analyze which types of stars in the universe are more likely to host exoplanets capable of sustaining life:

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