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API Reference
Streamlit Component

PyGWalker Streamlit API Guide

This guide explains how to integrate PyGWalker with Streamlit applications, providing interactive data visualization capabilities.

StreamlitRenderer Class

The StreamlitRenderer class is the main interface for using PyGWalker in Streamlit apps.

from pygwalker.api.streamlit import StreamlitRenderer
renderer = StreamlitRenderer(df, spec="./gw_config.json")

Key Parameters

datasetUnion[DataFrame, Connector]-Input data source
specstr""Chart configuration data (ID, JSON, or URL)
spec_io_modeLiteral["r", "rw"]"r"Spec I/O mode: "r" (read) or "rw" (read/write)
kernel_computationboolNoneEnable high-performance kernel computation
appearanceLiteral['media', 'light', 'dark']'media'Theme setting
default_tabLiteral["data", "vis"]"vis"Default tab to show

Main Methods

1. explorer()

Displays the full GraphicWalker UI.

renderer.explorer(width=None, height=1000, scrolling=False, default_tab="vis")

2. chart(index)

Renders a specific chart.

renderer.chart(index, width=None, height=1000, scrolling=False)

3. viewer()

Displays a view-only version of the charts.

renderer.viewer(width=None, height=1000, scrolling=False)

Best Practices

  1. Caching: Use Streamlit's caching to prevent memory issues:

    def get_pyg_renderer():
        df = pd.read_csv("data.csv")
        return StreamlitRenderer(df, spec="./gw_config.json")
  2. Large Datasets: Enable kernel_computation=True for better performance with large datasets.

  3. Layout: Use Streamlit's layout options (e.g., st.set_page_config(layout="wide")) for optimal display.

  4. Tabs: Organize different PyGWalker views using Streamlit tabs for a cleaner interface.

Example: Streamlit App with PyGWalker

import streamlit as st
from pygwalker.api.streamlit import StreamlitRenderer
import pandas as pd
st.set_page_config(page_title="PyGWalker in Streamlit", layout="wide")
st.title("PyGWalker in Streamlit Demo")
def get_pyg_renderer() -> StreamlitRenderer:
    df = pd.read_csv("data.csv")
    return StreamlitRenderer(df, spec="./gw_config.json", spec_io_mode="rw")
renderer = get_pyg_renderer()
tab1, tab2, tab3 = st.tabs(["Explorer", "Data Profiling", "Charts"])
with tab1:
with tab2:
with tab3:
    st.subheader("Registered per Weekday")
    st.subheader("Registered per Day")

Advanced: Building a Tableau/PowerBI Alternative

To create an open-source alternative to Tableau/PowerBI that can handle large datasets:

  1. Use PyGWalker for interactive visualizations
  2. Leverage Streamlit for the web application framework
  3. Integrate with Snowflake for handling large-scale data

This combination provides a powerful, scalable solution for data visualization and analysis.

For more details and advanced usage, refer to the PyGWalker documentation (opens in a new tab).

Related Q&A

How to build a online open source alternative to Tableau/PowerBI which can handle large amount of data?

Answer: You can use pygwalker + streamlit + snowflake to build a online open source alternative to Tableau/PowerBI which can handle large amount of data.