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API Reference
Html APIs

Html API

Users can render the UI of Graphic Walker onto any application that supports rendering HTML.

However, the current approach only supports front-end computation and is not suitable for use with larger datasets.


import pygwalker as pyg
html_str = pyg.to_html(df)


datasetDataFrame-The dataframe to be used. refer Dataset Of Walker.
gidUnion[int, str]NoneID for the GraphicWalker container div, formatted as 'gwalker-{gid}'. If gid is None, it will be automatically generated.
field_specsOptional[Dict[str, FieldSpec]]NoneSpecifications of fields. Will be automatically inferred from dataset if not specified.
theme_keyLiteral['vega', 'g2']'g2'Theme type for the GraphicWalker.
appearanceLiteral['media', 'light', 'dark']'media'Theme setting. 'media' will auto-detect the OS theme.
specstr""Chart configuration data. Can be a configuration ID, JSON, or remote file URL.
default_tabLiteral["data", "vis"]"vis"default tab to show. Default to "vis".
**kwargsAny-Additional keyword arguments.


export html file

import pandas as pd
import pygwalker as pyg
df = pd.read_csv('data.csv')
with open("demo.html", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:

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