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Quick Start

PyGWalker Quickstart

Quick Start in Jupyter Notebook

Import pygwalker and pandas to your Jupyter Notebook to get started.

import pandas as pd
import pygwalker as pyg

Load your data as a dataframe, then pass it to pygwalker.

df = pd.read_csv('./<your_csv_file_path>.csv')
walker = pyg.walk(df)

pygwalker accept not just pandas dataframe, but also modin dataframe and even a data connection, like snowflake.

Boosting pygwalker's performance

Sometimes your dataframe can be pretty large, and causes slow performance of pygwalker. Now we provide you with a simple way to boosting its performance with one extra parameter use_kernel_calc.

pyg.walk(df, use_kernel_calc=True)

By set use_kernel_calc=True will enable the new computation engine in pygwalker powered by DuckDB.

Use pygwalker with Snowflake

Sometimes your data can be extremely large, and you don't want to load it into your local memory. PyGWalker allows to push all its computations into a remote OLAP services, like Snowflake.

pip install --upgrade --pre pygwalker
pip install --upgrade --pre "pygwalker[snowflake]" 

Here is a code example of using pygwalker with Snowflake.

import pygwalker as pyg
from pygwalker.data_parsers.database_parser import Connector
conn = Connector(
walker = pyg.walk(conn)

Quick in Streamlit

PyGWalker is powerful for data exploration locally, and it can be great if it can be run in a web app. Basically, there are many ways to implment this:

Streamlit is a great tool to build data apps with Python, especially for data scientists who are not familiar with web development. Here is a quick example of using PyGWalker with Streamlit.

import pandas as pd
import streamlit.components.v1 as components
import streamlit as st
from pygwalker.api.streamlit import init_streamlit_comm, get_streamlit_html
    page_title="Use Pygwalker with Streamlit",
st.title("PyGWalker with Streamlit")
# Initialize pygwalker communication
# When using `use_kernel_calc=True`, you should cache your pygwalker html, if you don't want your memory to explode
def get_pyg_html(df: pd.DataFrame) -> str:
    # When you need to publish your application, you need set `debug=False`,prevent other users to write your config file.
    # If you want to use feature of saving chart config, set `debug=True`
    html = get_streamlit_html(df, spec="./gw0.json", use_kernel_calc=True, debug=False)
    return html
def get_df() -> pd.DataFrame:
    return pd.read_csv("/bike_sharing_dc.csv")
df = get_df()
components.html(get_pyg_html(df), width=1300, height=1000, scrolling=True)

(opens in a new tab)

Check this article from community to learn more about how to use PyGWalker with Streamlit: An Introduction to PyGWalker: Supercharge Your Streamlit Visualizations (opens in a new tab)