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Where to Go After Tableau Layoffs: the Alternatives

Tableau Layoffs and the Rise of Open Source Alternative RATH

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Explore the impact of recent Tableau layoffs on the data visualization community and discover RATH, a powerful open source alternative.

Salesforce's acquisition of Tableau in 2019 was a significant event in the data visualization landscape. However, recent layoffs at Tableau have raised concerns among its user base and the broader data analytics community. As the company's future becomes uncertain, many are seeking alternative solutions or career paths. Users are also searching for viable Tableau alternatives to be future-proof.


The Impact of Tableau Layoffs

Tableau layoffs in 2023 have been substantial, affecting many long-time employees and senior leaders. Salesforce, which owns Tableau, has not provided a detailed breakdown of the layoffs across its various subsidiaries. This lack of transparency has led to uncertainty about the company's future direction and how these layoffs might impact Tableau's product development and user support.

The layoffs have also sparked discussions among past and current Tableau employees on various online platforms, where they have offered help and support to those affected. This situation has left Tableau users searching for alternatives and reassessing their reliance on the platform. We'll delve deeper into the Tableau layoffs, their implications, and the potential future of the company:

The Background: Salesforce and Tableau

Salesforce acquired Tableau in August 2019 to strengthen its analytics offerings and expand its customer base. While initially the outlook for Tableau under Salesforce seemed positive, the recent workforce reductions have raised questions about the company's future.

The Layoffs: An Overview

In early 2023, Salesforce announced layoffs of approximately 10% of its workforce. The exact distribution of these layoffs across Salesforce subsidiaries, including Tableau, was not publicized. As a result, the data analytics and visualization community has been left to speculate about the impact on Tableau's products, services, and support.

The Aftermath: Community Response

Following the layoffs, the Tableau community has come together to offer assistance and support to those affected. This response highlights the camaraderie and loyalty within the Tableau user base and employee network.

The Future: Uncertainty and Alternatives

The future of Tableau under Salesforce remains uncertain, with concerns about the company's direction and potential further workforce reductions. Some users and employees are exploring alternative solutions for data analysis and visualization, including open source Tableau alternatives.

Fortunately, There is an Open Source Alternative:

In light of the recent Tableau layoffs, both users and former employees are exploring alternative solutions for data analysis and visualization. RATH, an open source platform, has emerged as a powerful and welcoming alternative to Tableau. The platform provides a collaborative environment that encourages users and former Tableau employees to contribute their skills and expertise, creating a thriving community that fosters innovation and growth.

RATH offers a robust set of features, rivaling those of Tableau, and stands out with its Augmented Analytics engine that uncovers patterns, insights, and causal relationships in data. It also empowers users to create multi-dimensional data visualizations with ease.

RATH: Copilot for Automated Data Analysis (opens in a new tab)

Here are a few compelling reasons to consider onboarding with RATH:

  1. Community-driven development: RATH's open source nature allows users and former Tableau employees to join forces, share ideas, and collaborate on the platform's development. This collaborative environment encourages innovation and ensures that RATH continues to evolve and improve.
  2. Flexible and feature-rich platform: RATH offers a wide range of features that cater to diverse data analysis and visualization needs. From data preparation and automated insights to guided data exploration and advanced visualization tools, RATH provides a comprehensive solution for users at all skill levels.
  3. Accessible resources and support: With an active GitHub repository (opens in a new tab) and a Discord Community (opens in a new tab), RATH ensures that users and contributors have easy access to resources, support, and opportunities to collaborate on the platform's development.
  4. Future-proof your data analytics skills: By joining the RATH community, you can stay ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving data analytics landscape. As the platform continues to grow and gain traction, being part of its development can enhance your professional profile and open up new career opportunities.

A Bright Future with RATH

The uncertainty surrounding Tableau's future has led many users and former employees to seek alternative solutions for data analysis and visualization. RATH, with its open source nature, feature-rich platform, and supportive community, presents a promising and human-centered alternative to Tableau.

By onboarding with RATH, not only can you leverage the power of data analytics but also contribute to a thriving ecosystem that values collaboration, innovation, and growth. RATH offers an opportunity for data enthusiasts and former Tableau employees to come together, share their knowledge, and shape the future of data analytics.

Try the furture of Automated Data Analysis with RATH (opens in a new tab)


While Tableau's recent layoffs have created uncertainty in the data visualization community, open source alternatives like RATH provide a viable and powerful solution for users looking to harness the power of data analytics. As RATH continues to gain traction, its feature-rich platform and active community make it an increasingly attractive choice for data enthusiasts seeking a reliable and innovative alternative to Tableau.


Is Tableau doing layoffs?

Answer: There is no information indicating that Tableau is currently doing layoffs. However, it is always best to check with the company directly for the most up-to-date information on their staffing policies.

Is Tableau owned by Salesforce?

Answer: Yes, Tableau was acquired by Salesforce in 2019 for $15.7 billion.

Is Tableau enough to get a job?

Answer: Having knowledge and experience in Tableau can certainly enhance your job prospects, particularly in fields related to data analysis and visualization. However, many other factors can influence your ability to land a job, such as your education, work experience, and communication skills.

Does Tableau pay well?

Answer: Salaries at Tableau can vary depending on the position, location, and experience level of the employee. However, Glassdoor reports that the average salary for a Tableau developer in the United States is around $90,000 per year.

Does Tableau have a future?

Answer: Tableau continues to be a popular tool for data visualization and analysis, and its parent company, Salesforce, has continued to invest in its development. While there is always uncertainty in any industry, it appears that Tableau will continue to play a significant role in the data analytics space for the foreseeable future.
