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Streamlit 1.24.0: Unveiling the Latest Features and Upgrades

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Are you passionate about data science and machine learning? If so, you're probably familiar with Streamlit, the popular open-source library that has been making waves in the data visualization and web application domain. Known for its simplicity and Python-friendliness, Streamlit has become an essential tool for data scientists and developers alike.

Just like every innovative platform, Streamlit is continuously evolving, with regular updates and versions being released. It is crucial to stay abreast of these updates to leverage their full potential. And that's what we'll explore today — the latest version of Streamlit, its remarkable features, and how you can upgrade and install it.

Want to Create a Data Analysis & Data Visualization App within Streamlit for free?

PyGWalker (opens in a new tab) is a Python Library that helps you easily embed a tableau-alternative UI into your own Streamlit app effortlessly. Check out this amazing video how to explore data with pygwalker (opens in a new tab) demonstrating the detailed steps for empowering your Streamlit app with this powerful Data Visualization Python Library!

Special Thanks to Sven and his great contribution (opens in a new tab) to PyGWalker community!

Additionally, you can also check out PyGWalker GitHub Page (opens in a new tab) for more PyGWalker examples.

What is the Latest Version of Streamlit?

Stepping up its game, Streamlit recently rolled out its latest release — Streamlit 1.24.0. This version embodies an upgrade that every Python developer, data scientist, or machine learning engineer will find immensely valuable. This streamlit version is packed with user-friendly features, bug fixes, and several improvements over its predecessors.

If you've been using an older version, it's time to upgrade Streamlit and experience a smooth, streamlined, and enriched user experience that this new version promises. But before we dive into the how-to's of upgrading, let's explore the features that make Streamlit 1.24.0 stand out.

Why Upgrade to the Latest Version of Streamlit?

Upgrading to the latest version of any software is usually a smart move, especially when the latest features in Streamlit are designed to enhance your productivity. So, here are some compelling reasons to click that 'update' button:

  • Stay Current: Upgrading to Streamlit 1.24.0 ensures you are using the most current version of the library, taking full advantage of all the newest features and improvements.

  • Improved Performance: Streamlit 1.24.0 offers notable performance enhancements over previous versions. Faster load times, increased stability, and better responsiveness can make your data exploration and web development tasks more efficient.

  • New Features: Each Streamlit update often comes with new, exciting features designed to improve your programming experience. You wouldn't want to miss out on these, would you?

To upgrade your Streamlit, all you need to do is run the following command in your terminal or command prompt:

pip install --upgrade streamlit

Voila! You are now up-to-date with Streamlit 1.24.0.

New Features in Streamlit 1.24.0

Let's get to the most exciting part — the new features in the latest version of Streamlit. As a python streamlit enthusiast, you'll find these enhancements quite intriguing. Here are the key highlights:

  1. Enhanced Widget State: Streamlit 1.24.0 has an upgraded widget state that improves your app's interactivity. Now, your widgets can maintain their state even after the app reruns.

  2. New Layout Options: This version introduces new layout options, providing developers with more flexibility and control over the app's appearance.

  3. Performance Improvements: Streamlit 1.24.0 has

undergone several performance optimizations. Your apps will now run more smoothly and quickly.

  1. Bug Fixes: Several bugs from previous versions have been addressed and resolved in this update.

These updates, while seeming minute, can significantly boost your productivity, making your data exploration and app development journey more gratifying.

Understanding Streamlit's System Requirements

Just like any software or library, Streamlit too has its system requirements. And it's essential to ensure your machine fulfills them for a smooth streamlit installation. So, what are the system requirements for Streamlit?

Streamlit is pretty accommodating, and it doesn't require high-end system specs. Here are the essential requirements:

  • Python: Python 3.6 or later versions are recommended for Streamlit. So make sure you have the right Python version installed.
  • Operating System: Streamlit supports MacOS, Windows, and Linux. It's a cross-platform library, which means you can use it regardless of your OS.
  • RAM: While Streamlit doesn't specify a minimum RAM requirement, having at least 4GB RAM is recommended for optimal performance.

Please note, the system requirements might change as Streamlit evolves, and it's always a good practice to check the official documentation for the most updated information.

Step-by-Step Guide to Installing Streamlit 1.24.0

Having understood the system requirements, let's dive into the step-by-step guide on how to install Streamlit.

  1. Install Python: Before starting the Streamlit installation, ensure you have the appropriate Python version installed. If you don't, download it from the official Python website.

  2. Install Streamlit: Open your terminal or command prompt and type the following command:

pip install streamlit

And there you have it! You've successfully installed Streamlit. You can check your streamlit version by typing streamlit --version in your terminal.

In the following sections of this article, we will be addressing some more FAQs and common search queries about Streamlit's latest version, including its features, system requirements, and installation procedure.

FAQs and Common Search Queries about Streamlit

Being an evolving and influential platform, Streamlit brings with it an array of questions and curiosities among its users. Here, we address some commonly asked questions that may further enhance your understanding of the streamlit latest version and its use.

What sets Streamlit 1.24.0 apart from its previous versions?

Streamlit 1.24.0 introduces a number of enhancements over its predecessors. It brings improved widget state for better app interactivity, new layout options for greater customization, and overall performance improvements. The version also addresses and fixes several bugs from the previous versions.

How can I verify that I have installed the latest version of Streamlit?

You can verify the Streamlit version by typing streamlit --version in your terminal or command prompt. This command will display the current version of Streamlit installed on your system.

I’m experiencing issues while installing Streamlit. What should I do?

Ensure your system meets the system requirements for Streamlit before starting the installation process. Check your Python version and verify if your operating system is supported. If issues persist, consider referring to the official Streamlit documentation or reaching out to the Streamlit community on their official forum.


Streamlit's latest version, 1.24.0, is an embodiment of consistent enhancement in the world of data science, machine learning, and web development. The new features introduced, the system requirements, and the installation process covered in this article should equip you to start leveraging Streamlit 1.24.0 effectively.

Streamlit has made data visualization and web application development simple and more intuitive, and with its consistent upgrades, it continues to provide an engaging platform for users to transform their data into meaningful insights and interactive apps. The new Streamlit is here. It's time you start exploring it!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What is the latest version of Streamlit?
A1: The latest version of Streamlit, as of June 2023, is Streamlit 1.24.0.

Q2: How can I upgrade to the latest version of Streamlit?
A2: To upgrade to the latest version of Streamlit, you can run the command pip install --upgrade streamlit in your terminal or command prompt.

Q3: What are the new features in Streamlit 1.24.0?
A3: Streamlit 1.24.0 comes with several new features, including an enhanced widget state for improved app interactivity, new layout options for more customization, significant performance improvements, and several bug fixes.