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How to Install AutoGPT with Docker: Step-by-Step Guide

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AutoGPT, a groundbreaking autonomous GPT-4 agent, has opened a new era in the field of AI. It's ChatGPT talking to itself, with capabilities such as code creation, execution, and internet access. Through self-dialogue, it verifies sources, creates, and debugs programs independently. A paradigm shift, to say the least.

This comprehensive guide walks you through the process of installing AutoGPT with Docker. Our aim? To help you set up this AI marvel smoothly and efficiently. Given the novelty and complexity of AutoGPT, we'll delve deep into every detail of the installation process. So, buckle up!

Please note that basic familiarity with the terminal, GIT, and Docker is expected for this process.

Prepare Your Environment for AutoGPT

First things first, you need to ensure your environment is primed for AutoGPT.

Open Your Terminal

The initial steps are fairly straightforward: open up your terminal.

Clone the AutoGPT Git Repository

Next, you'll want to clone the AutoGPT git repository. The following command will do the trick, creating an Auto-GPT folder in your current directory:

git clone Auto-GPT

Checkout to the Stable Branch

AutoGPT is actively developed and the master branch might not always be stable. It's recommended to use the stable branch for a smooth experience. Here's how you checkout to the stable branch:

cd ./Auto-GPT #move to the newly created folder
git fetch
git checkout stable

Creating an .env File

The next step involves creating an .env file. You can easily do this with the following command:

cp .env.template .env

Obtaining an OpenAI API Key

To make AutoGPT function properly, you need an OpenAI API key. You can acquire one by following these steps:

  1. Visit (opens in a new tab)
  2. Create an account or log in if you already have one.
  3. Click on your account name (top right) and navigate to “View API Keys”
  4. Go to “Billing” and set up your payment methods.
  5. After setting up the payments, go back to API Keys and click “Create new secret key”.
  6. Name the key and click “Create secret key”. Don't forget to copy the key.

Saving the API Key in the .env File

With your OpenAI API key at hand, it's time to save it in the .env file. Open this file in the Auto-GPT directory and paste your API key where it says OPEN_API_KEY=, as shown below:

OPENAI_API_KEY=#paste your API key here

That's it for the initial setup! In the following section, we'll dive into using Docker to start AutoGPT.

Initiating AutoGPT with Docker

With the preparatory steps taken care of, it's time to dive into Docker. Docker simplifies the process of running applications by using containerization, and it's instrumental in deploying AutoGPT.

Starting Docker

Kick off by simply starting Docker on your machine. The way to do this depends on your operating system:

  • For Linux users, the command might be as simple as sudo systemctl start docker.
  • Windows and Mac users typically start Docker by launching the Docker Desktop application.

Please consult Docker's official documentation if you're unsure about how to start Docker on your specific system.

Running AutoGPT with Docker-Compose

Once Docker is up and running, it's time to put it to work. We'll be using Docker-Compose to run AutoGPT. Docker-Compose allows you to define and manage multi-container Docker applications. Execute the following command in your terminal:

docker-compose run --build --rm auto-gpt

Voila! If everything goes as planned, AutoGPT should now be functioning on your machine. But before you start enjoying AutoGPT, we have another tip for you!

Running AutoGPT in Continuous Mode

AutoGPT has a continuous mode that allows for an uninterrupted user experience. To run AutoGPT in continuous mode, use the following command:

docker-compose run --build --rm auto-gpt --continuous

Keeping AutoGPT Up-to-Date

Technology moves fast, and AutoGPT is no exception. To keep abreast of the latest developments and improvements, it's recommended to regularly update your version of AutoGPT.

Using Local Memory with Auto-GPT

By default, AutoGPT uses Redis to store conversational context. But what if you want to use local memory instead? Here's how:

  1. Create a file named “auto-gpt.json” in the “Auto-GPT” directory.
  2. Open the file “docker-compose.yml” in your text editor.
  3. Bind auto-gpt.json to the Docker container. In the ‘docker-compose.yml’ file, add the following to “volumes:”
- "./auto-gpt.json:/home/appuser/auto-gpt.json"

The “volumes” section should now look like this:

      - "./autogpt:/app"
      - ".env:/app/.env"
      - "./auto-gpt.json:/home/appuser/auto-gpt.json"


This wraps up our in-depth guide on how to install AutoGPT with Docker. We hope you found it helpful. If you have any questions or face any issues, feel free to drop a comment. Here's to a new journey in the world of AI with AutoGPT!

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Q: I'm getting an error when trying to clone the AutoGPT git repository. What could be the problem? A: Make sure you have Git installed on your machine and you have proper internet connection. If the problem persists, check the repository URL or try cloning the repository at a later time.

  2. Q: How do I obtain an OpenAI API key? A: Visit (opens in a new tab), create an account or log in if you already have one. Click on your account name (top right) and navigate to “View API Keys”. Go to “Billing” and set up your payment methods. After setting up the payments, go back to API Keys and click “Create new secret key”. Name the key and click “Create secret key”. Don't forget to copy the key.

  3. Q: I'm having trouble running AutoGPT with Docker-Compose. What should I do? A: Ensure that Docker is properly installed and running on your machine. Also, make sure you are in the correct directory (Auto-GPT) when running the Docker-Compose command. If you're still having issues, refer to Docker's official documentation or seek help from the Docker community.